Tuesday, April 20, 2010


In elementary school you take the basic classes reading, writing, simple math, simple world history, a little science. And then you get to high school and you begin to learn the stuff you never need to know ever in your life to get by. What am i going to do with geometry in the grocery store? Am i going to pull my angle thing out and measure the angles on the cereal boxes? What am i going to do with DNA stuff that I learn in biliogy as a simple person walking down the street? My point is we spend six hours in this school learning stuff we are probably never are going to need ever in our life. I forget half the crap I learn in school by the second week of summer. Which then i learn none of this stuff that I will never use will never stick in my brain. We should be able to choose what classes we want to do. Like English; we need English. We have to know how to read and write. That is the only class I can think of that I actually need to know. Oh and simple math all i need to know is how to count money and how to read. Honestly, this chemistry and biology stuff is a waste of time. It just fills your brain with stuff you will never need and that space is takes up erases all the stuff you need to know. I FORGOT HOW TO DO LONG DIVISION! But instead I can only remember postulates. What am I going to do with a postulate!

OGT week I sat in my class not knowing half of the stuff that was on the paper. Why? Because this whole year in geometry we learned about postulates and thereoms and guess what was on the test. Middle school stuff that i forgot. Simple discount stuff that i couldn't remember because the teachers decided to review us for the OGT THE WEEK BEFORE! How am i exposed to remember stuff that I was reviewed for a week before the OGT?! Biology, waste of my time, I absolutely hate anything to do with science. Why do i need to know what chemicals mix with eachother to make an explosion? Never in my life will I play with chemicals!

Now, I'm not downing school. I used to love school back when i was learning stuff i wanted and needed to learn. Like in elementary through middle school.. High school is exposed to prepare you for college, I am going to go to college not knowing how to add and subtract because my whole way through high school i learned postulates and thereoms and dna samples and all that crap and my brain is going to be filled with it and its not gonna have room for all the rest of the stuff broo!.
Ughh.. two more years...

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